1. Internationales Symposium 2024
Erstes internationales Symposium für Ösophagusatresie
Viele Themen entlang der "Patient Journey" rund um die Folgen einer operierten Speiseröhre wurden von Experten mit ihren aktuellen Fachkenntnissen vorgetragen.
KEKS dankt allen Referentinnen und Referenten für ihr Engagement!

Anne Dimarakis
1. Vorsitzende KEKS e.V.
Eine kurze Einführung zu EAT e.V. und KEKS e.V.
a short introduction of EAT e.V. und KEKS e.V.

Michael Böttcher
Director Pediatric Surgery, University Hospital Mannheim, Germany
Interdisciplinary Solutions for CDH in Germany
Efforts of the Neonatologist and Efforts of the Surgeon

Christoph Bührer
Director Dept. of Neonatology, Charité University Medical Center, Berlin, Germany
The arduous road to regionalization of neonatal care in Germany
Das Skript ist im Mitgliederbereich aufrufbar.

Michaela Dellenmark-Blom
Associate Professor, Queen Silvia Children’s Hospital Gothenburg,
Sweden, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Swed
Patient- Reported Outcomes in Esophageal atresia The holistic view for a holistic car

Tatjana T. König
Sports Medicine and Consultant Pediatric Surgery, University Hospital Hannover, Germany
Physical Activity with and without Esophageal Atresia
Why everybody should stay in motion

Martin Lacher
Head of Department of Pediatric Surgery, University Hospital Leipzig, Germany
Scientific Board KEKS
Patient Journey and Patient-Clinician Partnership
Expert by Experience meets Medical Expert – Introduction of the speakers

Mélanie Leroy
Research Project Manager on EA, University of Lille, France
Esophageal Atresia is a long-term disease
Long-term morbidity in EA patients – the French registry

Graham Slater
Survivor of the condition and Board Eurordis, UK
The Journey of Patient Advocacy for Esophageal Atresia

Jan Svensson
Head of Department of Paediatric Surgery, Karolinska University of Stockholm, Sweden
Treatment of EA in a large volume center

Anke Widenmann
President EAT, ePAG Lead European Reference Network ERNICA
The Journey of Patient Advocacy for Esophageal Atresia

Miriam Wilms
Public Health Researcher and Consultant Visceral Surgery, University of Duesseldorf, Germany
Lost in Decentralization
Caseload driven quality control in pediatric surgery

Benjamin Zendejas-Mummert
Surgical Director, Esophageal and Airway Treatment Center, Boston Childrens Hospital, USA
We must change our mentality as pediatric surgeons